December 12, 2011 Archives

Yemen's Awakening?

Reporting from Change Square, Sanaa.

The Egyptian Revolution Is Unfinished

Hassan Mneimneh discusses the unfinished nature of the Egyptian revolution and what genuine democracy would mean for the West.

Campaign 2012: Arab Revolutions

The winner of the 2012 U.S. presidential election will likely confront a greatly changed Middle East political landscape due to ongoing civil upheaval, says Steven A. Cook.

A Plan To Save The Eurozone

With this plan, European leaders are on the right path but they should make sure that they finalize and implement the various provisions of the agreement sooner rather than later.

Occupy Moscow

With Vladimir Putin's party receiving a rebuke in the December 4th parliamentary elections, Russia is at a crossroads.

U.S. Hostage, 14, Escapes In Philippine Jungle

Kidnapped American teenage boy escapes from suspected al-Qaida-linked militants in the Philippines. Comments from father of 14-year-old Kevin Lunsmann.

Medvedev Orders Probe On Alleged Election Fraud

President Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday that he had ordered an investigation into the allegations of electoral fraud during the Russia's parliamentary vote just over a week ago.

Iran Says It Will Not Return U.S. Drone

Iran will not return a U.S. surveillance drone captured by its armed forces, a senior commander of the country's elite Revolutionary Guard said Sunday.

U.S. Vacates Pakistan Airbase.

US army vacates airbase in Pakistan, as angry demonstrators burn the American flag in protest at a NATO air strike that killed 24 soldiers.

Three Women Share Nobel Peace Prize.

Nobel Peace Prize winners honored in Norway at ceremony.

Eurozone Leaders Are Tackling The 'Heart Of The Problem'

Andrew Economos thinks that euro zone leaders are addressing the "heart of the problem" by demanding more fiscal discipline from the region. He adds that the ECB will continue to buy debt to sustain the European Union.

Increased U.S. Drone Strikes Questioned

U.S. drones are piloted by operators thousands of miles away its targets leading some to question the ethics behind using a weapon where the person pulling the trigger, spots their target on a video screen -- and is not on the battlefield.

Israel's Closing Window To Strike Iran

How could this impact Iran's nuclear program ambitions?

Chinese Executions Exposed By Rare Photos

A series of photographs is currently making the rounds on the internet in China. As Celia Hatton reports, the death row images are shedding new light on a country that executes far more people than any other country in the world.

Huntsman On China's Currency Manipulation

Jon Huntsman talks about trade with China and its challenges.

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