February 21, 2012 Archives

Over-Militarized U.S.-China Strategy?

Understanding the U.S. pivot to Asia.

Should U.S. Intervene In Iran, Syria?

A panel discusses intervention in Iran and Syria and whether such courses of action are advisable.

U.S. Commander Apologizes For Koran Desecrations

General John R. Allen apologizes profusely for the improper disposal of Islamic religious material in Afghanisan.

UN Inspectors Return To Iran's Nuclear Facilities

The UN began a new round of inspections on Iran's nuclear research and uranium enrichment facilities, just as the Iranian military launched four days of war games practicing its defense of the nuclear sites.

Greece To Get $170B Bailout, Reduce Debt

After more than 12 hours of talks, the countries that use the euro reached an agreement early Tuesday to hand Greece $170 billion in additional bailout loans to save it from a potentially disastrous default next month.

Raw Video: Samba Spectacle At Rio's Carnival

Rio de Janeiro's elite samba schools paraded in the city's newly renovated Sambadrome on Sunday, a highlight of Brazil's carnival festivities.

Olympus Top Executive Found Dead

A top executive of Japan's scandal-ridden Olympus Corp is found dead in a park outside New Delhi

Poverty On The Rise In Greece As Austerity Bites

As Greece continues to flirt with bankruptcy and its politicians desperately try to secure another bailout, the effects of the country's economic crisis are making themselves felt ever more keenly among the population.

China's Xi Jinping Praises Ireland On World Tour

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping commends Ireland for achieving moderate growth after its debt crisis. Ireland is the only stop Xi will make in Europe during his world tour.

McCain: Syria Is A 'World's Community Problem'

Ranking member of the Armed Services Committee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) spoke with Scott Pelley on whether the United States should have a role supporting those fighting in Syria's uprising.

Can Israel Get U.S. Support For Attack On Iran?

Michael Scheuer and Walid Phares on the growing tension in the Middle East over Iran’s nuclear program.

Tensions On The Korean Peninsula

Rodger Baker discusses tensions surrounding South Korea's ongoing military drills -- the first major exercises near the disputed Northern Limit Line.

Time For U.S. To Arm Syrian Rebels?

Wolf Blitzer talks to Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain about the possibility of arming Syrian rebels.

Analyst: Israel Not Ready To Attack Iran

Sr. military affairs analyst Reuven Pedatzur talks about his belief that Israel is unprepared for an attack on Iran.

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