Toward Digital Power Over States

Toward Digital Power Over States

Rapid advances in digital technologies amplify the potential for data acquisition from and influence over other states. One state aggressively pursuing digital advantage globally is China, especially in its leveraging of artificial intelligence (AI). This memo presents recent data from multiple sources and initial analysis to set the stage for discussion about the profound implications of imminent digital power by China.

A leading concern for those states not presently engaged in AI and related technologies is that they will fall behind those that are already heavily innovating and investing. In addition to expert programmers, AI requires an entire infrastructure of capabilities like next-generation semiconductors, advanced materials, cloud computing, robotics, and especially science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Without these aspects in place, states may not be able to engage or compete in AI. Governments that can successfully cultivate the necessary culture will be strategically positioned, whereas those without the means or resources to do so may face additional barriers to their competitiveness. Such lack of engagement in AI by numerous states leaves them vulnerable to other states that may not have the best interests of the native state in mind.

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