Rym Momtaz

Author Archive

  • Aug 3, 2021
    PARIS — Good news for the Franco-British relationship: The two sides agree on something! The bad news: They agree their relationship is in a terrible state.  
  • Jun 11, 2021
    PARIS — Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump didn't see eye to eye on anything much. But in some ways, life was simpler for the French president before Joe Biden entered the White...
  • Jun 3, 2021
    PARIS ­— Listen closely to French Defense Minister Florence Parly and it almost sounds like France is going to miss Donald Trump’s bullying...
  • May 6, 2021
    PARIS — In an age of culture wars and Manichean Twitter debates, French President Emmanuel Macron is once again bucking the trend.  
  • Feb 12, 2021
    PARIS — The EU’s working language may still be English, but the bloc is thinking a lot more in French.  
  • Feb 5, 2021
    PARIS — The EU shouldn’t gang up on China with the U.S. even if it stands closer to Washington by virtue of shared values, according to French President Emmanuel...