May 9, 2011 Archives

Obama on bin Laden: The full '60 Minutes' Interview

On Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - three days after he announced that American troops had killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan - President Barack Obama talked with "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Kroft in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.

Fatal Typhoon Hits Philippines

Typhoon Aere lashes central Philippines, killing at least 10 people in floods and landslides and forcing thousands to evacuate.

Raids By Syrian Forces To Crack Down On Protests

Syrian authorities were conducting fresh raids, detaining hundreds of people as part of a widening crackdown on protests, one activist said Monday. Video about the situation in Syria is coming from state television and activists. (May 9)

The Pope In Venice

Pope Benedict boards a traditional gondola during his first visit to Venice. Deborah Lutterbeck

Scottish Lib Dem Leader Resigns

The leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, Tavish Scott, has resigned after his party's "disastrous result" in Thursday's Holyrood election.

The View from India

Amb. Saran discusses India's perspective on current events in South Asia.

Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad Compound

The Pentagon releases five video clips of Osama bin Laden taken from the compound where bin Laden was killed.

Mood in Afghanistan Post-bin Laden Death

Afghans say Osama bin Laden's death proves Pakistani intelligence service and military have been supporting al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

What Is U.S. Mission in Afghanistan Post-bin Laden?

NATO Security General Anders Fogh Rasmussen responds to questions about the U.S. and NATO mission in Afghanistan.

Euro Chiefs Rule Out 'Stupid' Idea of Greek Exit

European currency chiefs have dismissed a reported idea for Greece to leave the euro and restore the drachma.

Greece Leaving Euro Zone 'Unrealistic'

Yiannos Papantoniou says the idea of Greece leaving the euro was "utterly unrealistic" and would mean the beginning of the dissolution of the euro zone.

U.S. Should Focus on Pakistan

Fareed Zakaria says the U.S. has more interests in Pakistan than in Afghanistan and must maintain close relations.

Rice on Pakistan, Afghanistan

Anderson Cooper speaks with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about two key U.S. allies in the war on terror.

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