Event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies: "The future of relations between Russia and Europe are likely to remain adversarial, no matter how the war in Ukraine evolves. Yet what does a long-term Russia strategy for Europe entail? How should Europe, and its largest country... More >>

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Putin's Mind, One Year In
Yuval Weber discusses the anniversary of the Ukraine invasion.
Climate Change's Wide Web, From Iraq to Madagascar
As world leaders debate a loss and damage fund at the COP27, time is running out for those countries on the frontlines of the climate crisis. In Madagascar, low rainfall has led to severe drought. DW's Adrian Kriesch visited Tsiombe in the south, where the situation is particularly bad. Nearly 1.5...
A Girl's Guide to Missiles
In this episode of the Stratfor podcast, a conversation about military weapons, secret missions and a life lived in a company town, where every employee was a civil servant of the US government. Piper describes a happy childhood, in a home amid the striking vistas of California's mountains, the...
The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray talks to the Hoover Institution.
Yusang-ni: North Korea's ICBM Mountain Silo
The Yusang-ni missile operating base is reported to house ICBMs with first strike capabilities against the United States. CSIS's Victor Cha and Joseph Bermudez explain why Yusang-ni stands out among North Korea's matrix of secret missile operating bases.
Oil Vs. Fish: A Fight For Norway's Soul
Richard Milne, Nordic and Baltic correspondent, visits the stunning Lofoten Islands in northern Norway and finds growing tension between fishermen and environmentalists, and supporters of moves to explore and drill for oil off the islands.
China's First Forest City
In an attempt to tackle air pollution China is planning on building what it says is the first forest city. Video journalist: Charlotte Pamment
Watch Live: Reports Of Terror Incident At London Bridge
Live via Sky News: Police respond to a suspected car attack on London bridge, followed by reported stabbings at the nearby Borough Market grocery store.
Obama Endorses Macron
Former U.S. President Barack Obama endorses French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.
Macron: "I Want To Become Your President... To Stand In The Way Of Nationalism"
Emmanuel Macron speaks to supporters after his first round win in the French election.
UK Labour Party Minister vs. Former US State Dept. Official: Is The UK Still A Great Power?
UK Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and former US State Department adviser Jeremy Shapiro joined BBC's Evan Davis to debate the UK's place on the world stage. Shapiro now serves as a research director at the Eruopean Council on Foreign Relations. "I know that Great Britain has a great...
China Uncensored: Could North Korea Really Start a Nuclear War?
Chris Chappell, host of the 'China Uncensored' web show, looks at the hermit kingdom's ambitions and what China will or will not do to help.
Chicago Council: The Future Of The Global Chessboard And The Internet
Chicago Council on Global Affairs: Geopolitics has long been portrayed as a chessboard of competing nations. The metaphor still holds true for high-level statecraft but does not capture the full complexity of the modern world, argues Anne-Marie Slaughter. Today a vast web of global connections,...
Debate: Should UK Continue Commitment To 0.7% GDP In International Aid?
Theresa May will be publishing a new Conservative manifesto, but how different will it be from what David Cameron announced in 2015? Camilla Cavendish was head of policy for David Cameron, and made a life peer when he left. Andrew Mitchell was the International Development Secretary in his Cabinet....
A Night In Mosul On The Front Line Against ISIS
BBC News: The United Nations says that the ongoing battle for Iraqâ??s second city of Mosul could result in the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the war against so-called Islamic State. The battle began six months ago, and hundreds of thousands of civilians remain trapped inside parts of the city...